Artist Contract

    Dance Levels Artist/Group Agreement

    This contract is an agreement with Dance Levels and above Artist/Group


    The Artist does hereby agree:

    • To appear at Dance Levels or designated venue on March 22, 2024 from 5:00pm -8:00pm and March 23, 2024 at 11:00am-2:00pm.

    • Dance Levels will pay Artist/Group March 22, 2024 on arrival.

    • Payment for choreography for Journey to Africa and workshop facilitation is set at $1400.

    Injury/Medical Waiver

    I understand that risk of injury is inherent in any and all physical activity involved in facilitating dance activities. Knowingly and voluntarily accept that risk. I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, administrators, and executors, hereby waive and release Dance Levels individually and Dance Levels and its staff, contractors, teachers, and any other associates from any and all claims or damages of any kind arising out of my participation in the exercise and/or dance program of Dance Levels I further certify that the aforementioned contractor/facilitator/teacher is in proper physical condition to participate in the exercise/dance program and that he/she has been examined by a licensed physician and found to be in proper physical condition to participate in said program. I understand that I am responsible for any medical expenses and that the absence of health insurance does not make Dance Levels responsible for payment of medical expenses. This authority includes the power to authorize any and all treatment deemed necessary under the circumstances by a licensed physician.

    Please sign agreement below.

    Do you accept the the terms above?


    Electronic Signature of Artist/Group:

    Today's Date ** Use Format YYYY-MM-DD Example: 2024-02-01: